Leaps was initially developed to help people, adults and children, who were moving from institutions into the community and they needed to increase their social intelligence and their emotional intelligence. Many of these individuals were very bright intellectually but they lacked the adaptive or emotive skills to fit into society. They were taught systematically how to grow their social capacity while simultaneously increase their emotional intelligence so that they could integrate into a more independent societal setting. Great success was achieved!

Fast forward to today, after decades of research, adaptation, and application Leaps has taken the clinical process of deficit assessment and addressment within the scope of social capacity and emotional intelligence and used it to create individual scope plans to increase learning capacity thereby increasing the student’s ability to learn. In other words, Leaps has taken the clinical and made it classroom ready for the educators. Assess your student, lessons are recommended to address the assessed deficits, progress is measured, targets are given, success is achieved.

The wonderful thing about increasing a student’s social and emotional learning capacity is that when the student learns to sit in class and pay attention and get along with other students and the teacher and feel better about himself and understand the stresses and expectations of being a student – learning can occur – all learning. Leaps is Social and Emotional Learning.

School Stories

High School Uses Leaps in Attendance & Discipline Office

High School Teacher, Melissa Rooney, talks about how her school uses Leaps in the Attendance & Discipline office. She says it helps students learn lessons that are going to be important throughout their lives. They also use Leaps in their In School Suspension...

District-Wide Implementation

Launching Leaps District Wide, By TopicMany of our schools report that the best way to get their Leaps program going district-wide is to set a value or topic for each month of the school year. This doesn't mean that you can only access 9 or 10 topics...

4th Grade Teacher Sees Behavior & Academics Improve

Lisa Young is a 4th grade teacher who has seen improvement in her students, both behaviorally and academically after using Leaps lessons and assessment tools. Her school uses Leaps for Response to Intervention (RTI) in Tier 2 groups as well as in the...

Success Story: Addressing Bullying & Helping Special Needs Kids

Tammy Geiger, a specialist who works with special needs children at Lake County Schools, shares her story about using Leaps lessons to change the bullying behavior of a student who was targeting a deaf person. The bully is known to be a member of a gang. After...

Middle School Uses Leaps for Behavior Support

Susan Edwards, middle school educator, talks about Leaps assessment tools and Response to Intervention (RTI). Ms. Edwards shares how Leaps helps teachers in her middle school collect data for the district to help monitor and manage reporting on student...

More About Leaps

New Leaps 5.0 Now Available!

We're so excited to announce that Leaps 5.0 is up and running. All users accounts have been updated and new users will have full access to our beautiful new system. We're updated more than just the look and feel, with more emphasis on user experience, ease of use and...

A beach with the word summer written in sand. 

We enlighten and empower educators to make a difference in the lives of their students, forever.

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