School Stories

High School Uses Leaps in Attendance & Discipline Office

High School Teacher, Melissa Rooney, talks about how her school uses Leaps in the Attendance & Discipline office. She says it helps students learn lessons that are going to be important throughout their lives. They also use Leaps in their In School Suspension...

District-Wide Implementation

Launching Leaps District Wide, By TopicMany of our schools report that the best way to get their Leaps program going district-wide is to set a value or topic for each month of the school year. This doesn't mean that you can only access 9 or 10 topics...

4th Grade Teacher Sees Behavior & Academics Improve

Lisa Young is a 4th grade teacher who has seen improvement in her students, both behaviorally and academically after using Leaps lessons and assessment tools. Her school uses Leaps for Response to Intervention (RTI) in Tier 2 groups as well as in the...

Success Story: Addressing Bullying & Helping Special Needs Kids

Tammy Geiger, a specialist who works with special needs children at Lake County Schools, shares her story about using Leaps lessons to change the bullying behavior of a student who was targeting a deaf person. The bully is known to be a member of a gang. After...