As I listen to educators tell me about their daily trials, one said something that really struck me. “We just need our kids and our teachers to remember what it meant to be nice.” Nice is a simple sounding concept and in fact it’s a pejorative in some athletic circles that deride niceness as term of weakness. But that wasn’t the nice she was speaking of.
Making Time For Other People
There are just too many people in this world for anyone to have to feel alone. Maybe we can take being nice, add listening to it and make loneliness a lot less consuming.
Thankful for Thanksgiving: A Humble Top 10
It is so hard to believe that Thanksgiving is upon us. Even though the weather turned cold and the days have definitely gotten shorter, it just hasn’t quite felt like the holiday season yet. But I am not worried. Between long-basting a ham and the smell of stuffing and turkey and pies and the sound of football and family – the holidays are almost here.
Reclaiming Our Classroom
How do we combat a pop-culture that is predicated on an immediacy of gratification and an assignment of self-worth that is based more on style than substance?
Thankful for Thanksgiving: A Humble Top 10
It is so hard to believe that Thanksgiving is upon us. Even though the weather turned cold and the days have definitely gotten shorter, it just hasn’t quite felt like the holiday season yet. But I am not worried. Between long-basting a ham and the smell of stuffing and turkey and pies and the sound of football and family – the holidays are almost here.
Reclaiming Our Classrooms
By Jay Burcham How do we combat a pop-culture that is predicated on an immediacy of gratification and an assignment of...